Kundalini Reiki

60 MINUTE SESSION • $125.00

Kundalini Reiki is an energy therapy that works with the body’s own remarkable healing capabilities. It promotes and accelerates the natural healing process and restores balance on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. It helps relieve stress and pain. At the emotional and mental level, it is effective and useful in cultivating and transforming character traits and habits, heals emotional issues, unblock limiting beliefs and reconcile relationship issues, karmic bonds between people, places and situations. It brings upon peace and calmness. At the spiritual level, it brings one to an inward journey of self-discovery and heightens one’s consciousness level, awakens one’s innate potential talents and gifts which brings upon personal transformation.


Usui Reiki or Karuna Reiki

60 MINUTE SESSION • $150.00

Reiki is a gentle, hands-on technique that brings the body to energetic balance and an enhanced state of relaxation. Being in this state allows the body to experience a deep form of natural healing. This enhances physical regeneration and revitalization, reduces stress, and brings out an overall feeling of well-being. Theratique has several experienced Reiki specialists who engage clients in an enlightening experience. Therapeutic massage available as an add-on for this service.

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