
NOCHC offers HIPAA compliant online video counseling! Same fees apply as individual counseling. Insurance accepted.

Are You Ready For Online Counseling?

  1. Do you have a smart phone, laptop, desktop PC or Mac which is 3 years old or newer?
    Older devices may struggle to run the program properly.

  2. Is your space equipped with an internet connection that is reliable?
    Connecting directly to your router using an Ethernet cable for wired internet is recommended though wireless networks can work fine as well.

  3. Do you have access to a working webcam?
    Smart phones and most modern laptops have built in webcams which will work great for online counseling! If you have a desktop PC or Mac you may need to purchase and set up an external webcam.

  4. Are you comfortable navigating computer software?
    The online portal is easy to navigate and does not require any training to use. However, those who find computers to be confusing may find online counseling frustrating. Please contact us if you are having any concerns.

  5. Have you filled out your consent form?

    Our Telecounseling Consent Form is part of the the New Client Forms all new clients must fill out. Existing clients will receive this form from their counselor.

Looking for additional assitance with telecounseling?
Webcam and Microphone Test: Click Here